Wedding Stories


It all begins with the stylish invite!

"Well begun is half done," said Aristotle.

A wedding is everything sorted with the perfect wedding invitation. Starting from a manual invitation to a digitalized invite, all that requires for any invitation is the exact information. A wedding invitation is the first step for a wedding occasion, it is important to make it look as interesting as possible.

What are the important aspects of a wedding invitation?

Wording: beginning with a catchy title for wedding couples followed by the required details that are names of bride, groom and their family names, wedding venue, wedding location, date, and time. The major important aspect of wording is font and size. Perfect font and size are all that matter.

Background: look for a perfect subtle background with light colors like white, light grey, peach, etc. to make it look as pleasant as possible.

Design: the design can be of your choice based on the theme of the wedding. The wedding invitation can be massive for a royal wedding, or sparkling silver for a beach wedding.

Pattern: pattern can be any kind, it can be a folding wedding invitation or a box wedding invitation with goodies.

Printing: if you are choosing a manual wedding invitation it all depends on perfect printing. The information shouldn't overlap with the background colors with the text colors and text fonts.

The wedding invitation is mainly classified into 2 different forms:

The manual form of an invitation: Manual form of giving a wedding invitation door to door to relatives and friends is known as a traditional form of information. The wedding invitation is printed in traditional red and gold. In the 21st century, many families prefer making the invitation as interesting as possible by creating a few designs like comics, designing a bride and groom portfolio, posting pictures of the bride and groom in a wedding invitation.

Digitalized information: the digitalized form of the invitation is classified into many types, it can be done through Whatsapp and social media, by recording the wedding stories or pre-wedding photography, or by releasing digitalized posters. Apart from the posters and videos one can create customized goodies and courier them to people across the globe, create caricature portraits with the latest digital techniques, create an Instagram page for couple weddings, and share content and personalized information by the photographer and many more.

World's most expensive wedding invitation:

Isha Ambani daughter of Muskash Ambani who has ranked as the top tenth richest person in the world (according to 2021, Feb) has made an invitation box for his daughter wedding in the year 2018, which cost worth 3lakh each and contains the itinerary relating to the wedding occasion that is wrapped with the golden embroidery box and plays Gayatri mantra when open.

Why is it necessary for a wedding invitation?

A wedding invitation is the first step for a wedding and it sets the tone of the wedding, helps to greet and welcome people for a celebration.